Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vote for us!

Thank you so much for voting for us on the Circle of Mom’s Top 25 Parent’s of Multiples list!  I am absolutely blown away by how many votes we have gotten over the last couple of weeks.  You guys are awesome! 

Monday is the last day to vote, so make sure and keep voting over the next couple of days.  Just click here and click on the thumbs up to give us your vote!  You can vote every 24 hours.  Thank you so much! 


I hope you all have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend! 


Our new favorite thing to do- sit on the front step and wave at cars going by!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All Dirty!

It has been raining like crazy here that last few days!  Every day the kids wake up, look out the living room window and give me a weather report.  If it's not raining, they immediately want to go outside.  The other day it wasn't raining, but everything was a wet sloppy mess.  I decided we could go out after lunch time, but they would have to wear their snow boots.  I didn't want to have to worry about washing tennis shoes, and snow boots can be sprayed off pretty easily, so snow boots it was!  They had a great time playing, and found that side walk chalk makes great paint when it's wet!  The colors are much more vibrant and it's really fun to rub it all over the ground, your self, mommy and cousin Grace. 
Cooper rockin the snow boots and shorts look

Brett wiping the water out of the wagon.  You gotta love Parker in the background with her hands on her hips!

Parker watching Grace draw a turtle

Kaden- Stylin' as always!

This is Parker's new thing to do when I tell her to smile so I can take her picture.  She closes her eyes and says, "You can't see me Mommy!"  Stinker!  Notice how she is holding her hands....she smeared purple chalk all over them and then didn't want to touch anything with them.

Cooper hanging out

She can totally pull off the snow boots with her shorts look!

Brett and Kaden decorating Grace with chalk.  Despite the look on her face, she was enjoying every minute of it!

Kaden showing me his messy hands and his purple lipstick!

Kaden doing the dishes

I wouldn't let them play in the sand because it was soooo wet. but Cooper went around the yard scooping up the little piles that were laying all over.

Brett painting his face

Cooper trying to give Brett and Kaden a ride

Their beautiful artwork!
They like to get dirty, and since kids and clothes wash, I figure why not let them get that way?  They had a great time, burned off some excess energy and I got some great pictures! 

Don't forget to jump on over here and give us a vote on Circle of Mom's Top 25 Parent's of Multiples List!  There is only a few more days left to vote, and you can vote once every 24 hours!  Thank you for all of your votes, we appreciate each and every one of them!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

NICU at Nite

I found this video on a triplet mom's blog and had to share!  It's very cute!  Listen to the words carefully.

Enjoy reading our blog?  Head on over here to give us a vote on The Circle of Moms Top 25 Parents of Multiples list!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lotion Heads

A few months ago when we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house, my boys decided to put butter in their hair.  After several washes with Dawn dish soap, we finally got it all out.  Well, a couple days ago while I was doing dishes I realized that it had gotten extremely quiet in the living room. 
Silence is not a good thing in my house!
When I walked in the hallway, I found Brett and Cooper happily smearing lotion all over their hands, arms and heads.  I couldn't be mad since I was the one who had failed to put the lotion away, so like a good mommy, I grabbed the camera!  I figure if I can't laugh about stuff like this, my life will be alot less enjoyable.  I have to say that lotion is MUCH easier to get out of hair than butter is!

You can't tell they enjoyed themselves, can you?

I had to give them baths in the sink since Lee was sleeping and Heaven forbid I give one of them a bath in the tub and not the others.  They had just had a bath the night before, so I just wasn't up for another group bath!  Brett was absolutely thrilled with the idea of taking a bath in the sink, and even managed to spray me with water a couple of times.  Good times, people, good times!

This is Cooper's "I'm trying not to smile because I think I did something naughty" face.  Love it!

Once I assured him that even though it isn't the best idea to put lotion in his hair, he wasn't in trouble, he flashed one of his awesome grins. 

Note to self:  Always be sure to put the lotion away or my curious little boys will find a good use for it! 

If you enjoy reading about us, make sure to stop by the Circle of Moms website and vote for our blog!  Click here to go directly to our listing and click on the orange thumbs up sign to vote for us!  It only takes a second to click here and then click once more on that little thumbs up and we will definitely appreciate your vote!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pretty flowers

Call me crazy....but one of my favorite things about this time of year is dandelions!  See?  I'm crazy, right?  Actually, I know of lots of mommies that can say one of their favorite flowers is the dandelion.  My kids are very much into picking me these pretty little yellow flowers....all the time.  No matter where we are.  The other day we stopped at a garage sale right by this house that had tons of dandelions.  My kids were in heaven!  I'm sure the people that lived their were hoping we would never leave.   My kids eached picked about 20 "flowers" for me before we left. 
My kids melt my heart everyday with the sweet little gestures they do for me and for eachother.  Lately, they melt my heart with dandelions.  Cooper especially loves to pick them for me.  The cutest thing is that he works so hard to put them in to the perfect little bouquet.   AND he gives me one of his killer smiles, flashes his dimples and gives me a hug after he hands me the flowers.  I love that kid. 
Coop hard at work making me a beautiful bouquet.

That is some serious concentration!

Coop in the background still picking me flowers.  Brett found one too! 

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? 
The flower picking definitely picked up a notch after the kids saw my reaction to the flowers daddy brought home for me a couple weeks ago.  Funny....I didn't take any pictures of those flowers. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

An oldie....

My little Hawaiian Babies!
Cooper, Parker, Kaden and Brett
I just found this picture on my father in-laws computer and had to share!  It is freezing cold here right now (there's a low of 37 degrees tonight!), so this made me smile just thinking about warmer weather to come! Brett has been saying he wants to go to the beach the last couple of days so this is a perfect picture to show how we are feeling right now.  Soon buddy, I promise!

One more thing.......
Head on over here to vote for our blog!  My computer (ok, I) was having technical difficulties the other night and couldn't get the button to save on my page, but if you click here, it SHOULD take you to the Circle of Moms Top 25 Parents of Multiples list!  Just click on our blog and give us a vote if you enjoy reading about us!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Backyard Fun

My kids love to be outside!  In fact, the last two days we have played outside all day.  Seriously, ALL day.  I do appreciate the tan that I am getting, but playing outside all day wears this momma out! 
I am personally not a big fan of sand.  I don't like to play in it, I don't like how it feels under my feet (unless I'm at the beach), and I most definitely don't like the mess it makes in my house (and I wonder why Kaden has sensory issues).  Grandma Sue has the mother of all sand piles at her house, and the kiddos love to play in it.  Especially Parker.  All four of them will spend hours playing in the sand, it must be the best form of entertainment for them.  Last summer we got a wooden play structure for our backyard.  When we got it, we (okay, I) decided not to put sand in the bottom of it for the above reasons.  Well, the past couple of weeks my kiddos have decided it would be fun to play in a pile of dirt in our backyard.  We have this spot in the yard that doesn't have any grass since it's where the pool always sits.  Our wonderful dog, Molly, decided she needed to dig a hole right in that spot.  The other day Lee filled the hole in and then the kids decided to play in the dirt he had just put in there.  Lee was at work, and it was one of those days where I just didn't care what they did, as long as they were happy, so I let them play to their hearts content.  A few days ago, they were pretty much out of loose dirt when Brett found the new buckets I had bought.  So, I had Lee go get 2 more buckets of dirt for them to play in, and they were four happy little people.  I figure clothes wash and so do little bodies, so why not let them play? 
You can see how small the pile of dirt is, but they played so good together!  They don't always play this nice when they are that close together, so that made it all even more worth it! 

This is their cousin Grace pointing out a worm to them.  Parker of course would have nothing to do with it, Kaden and Cooper wanted to look at it, and Brett picked up every worm he could find.  In fact, I found a couple worms in a different spot in the yard yesterday and showed them to Brett who picked them up and carried them over to the pile of dirt.  He's also the one that kills bugs and spiders for Parker and I.  LOL!

Cooper looking for worms

Brett (still wearing his coat even though it was warm out)

Kaden watching the dirt fall from his shovel to the bucket.  The kid likes to figure out how everything works!

Parker checking for worms in her shovel.  She found a couple and told Brett to "git em, Brett!"

I finally gave in and got some sand for our sandbox!  Needless to say, they were very happy!  Their smiles made it all worth it!  They spent 8 hours outside yesterday and 6 today playing, and most of that time was in the sand.  I had to MAKE them go in to eat!  I have swept my floors about 100 times in the last 2 days, but it is SO worth it!!!!

Drinking lemonade in their sandbox
Brett, Cooper, Kaden and Parker


Brett hanging out on the steps drinking his lemonade

This smile is why I am so happy I finally gave in and got them sand!

I even got sneaky enough to get a grin out of Parker!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture!  Cooper has developed a huge love for basketball the last few days.  He makes about half his shots and is so proud of himself!  I am too! 

Happy Kids!

Kaden has been sporting some rockin' outfits the last couple of days!  Yesterday he went from jeans and  a t-shirt to a t-shirt, underwear and his snow boots.  I didn't get the camera out soon enough to take a picture, so I was happy when he did the same thing today.  At some point yesterday, all four kids were outside with just t-shirts and underwear/diapers.  I guess they got hot, and I didn't feel like doing any more laundry so I just let it go.  We were just in our backyard, so it didn't really matter.

Striking his best handsome man pose for the camera.  He's such a stud!
I'm sure we have many more days of playing outside and digging in the sand ahead of us.  It will be interesting to see how much sand ends up in our pool this summer!